Assessment of Air Quality in Can Tho City, Vietnam Using Cluster Analysis

Nguyen Thanh Giao


The study was conducted to assess the air quality of Can Tho city. Data including meteorological factors (wind direction, wind speed, temperature, humidity) and air pollutants (TSP, SO2, NO2 and noise) of air quality were collected from the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Can Tho city at 15 monitoring locations (KK01-KK15) in 2020. The air quality parameters were compared with QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT for noise and QCVN 05:2013/BTNMT for ambient air quality. The results wind speeds ranged from 0.28±0.26 to 0.83±0.59 m/s, temperature from 30.13±2.12 to 31.70±2.48 oC, and humidity from 64.16±9.13 to 78.95±3.88%. TSP, SO2, NO2 and noise were 171.99±44.86-265.81±18.75 µg/m3, 15.01±2.14-45.23±5.39 µg/m3, 11.78±1.87-37.64±5.02 µg/m3, 68.73±2.48-79.54±1.95 dBA, respectively. In general, air quality parameters were still within the allowable limits, except for noise. All air quality variables in the dry season were higher than those in the wet season except for humidity and wind speed. The air quality in Can Tho city is affected by emissions from vehicles and factories in which intersection locations, major traffic routes and industrial production areas often have higher concentrations of pollutants and noise. Spatial and temporal Cluster analysis showed that air quality in Can Tho city was spatially and seasonally changed. Air monitoring should also focus on toxic air pollutants in future monitoring. The current results provide a scientific basis for future air quality management.


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Nguyen Thanh Giao (Primary Contact)
Giao , N. T. . (2021). Assessment of Air Quality in Can Tho City, Vietnam Using Cluster Analysis. Indonesian Journal of Environmental Management and Sustainability, 5(4), 154-161.
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