Corporate Sustainability Improvement Strategy in Manufacturing Industry with The Use of Controls in Environmental Pollution, Quality, and Occupational Health and Safety
Although industries had taken measures to control environmental pollution, quality, and occupational health and safety, they did not receive comparable benefit, particularly in terms of corporate sustainability. The objective of this study is to examine the impacts of environmental pollution control, quality control, and occupational health and safety control on corporate sustainability through a comprehensive review on past conceptual and empirical researches. As environmental pollution control is the outcome of environmental management system that reduces waste and consumption of water and energy and increases the amount of recycled waste, quality control as the result of quality management systems enhances manufacturing process, product and service quality, customer loyalty, sales and profits, and continuous improvements, while occupational health and safety control improves employees’ competence, health, and safety at work as well as customer’s wellbeing for better competitiveness. The control over the three aforementioned aspects enhances corporate sustainability. The result of this study is a conceptual model for environmental pollution, quality, and occupational health and safety controls that support sustainability in manufacturing industry.
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